These photos were provided by Mike Mainer, Phu Mu 69-70, 29th Signal Group and Richard Epstein, Phu Mu 65-66,
SP-5, Microwave Radio Repair (26L20) 207th Signal Co/STRATCOM
This swimming pool was the only structure remaining in the lower camp. I saw a few concrete slabs where building once
stood, but other than that, I didnt see anything else that was military related.
Sign-up if you were stationed
at Phu Mu - Leong Nok Tha
Photo provided by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

Photo of the Lower Site Swimming Pool |
Photo provided by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

Phu Mu mess hall with cook Al Johnson |
Photo provided by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

Phu Mu - Weight Room and Water Reservoir |
Photo by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

Motor Pool on the upper right, Swimming Pool on the left, Commo Center is to the right of Motor Pool |
Photo provided by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

View of the TRC-90 Commo Center looking from the back of the Club
and near the Main Gate. There were 3 TRC-90 shots, Phu Kio, Warin and NKP. The Flyswatter Antenna were an Air Force shot to
Mukdahan & Laos.
Photo provided by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

Phu Mu Pool |
Photo provided by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

The view is looking up the walkway from the NCO hootch. The TRC-90
Commo Center is visible in the background. The gazebo is located in front of the Orderly Room. The 2 hootches across the Orderly
Room were sleeping quarters. The Mess Hall was just past the hootches on the right. The NCO Club was located across the Mess
Photo provided by Richard Epstein 65-66 |

View of the TRC-90 & Cliffs |
Photo provided by Richard Epstein 65-66 |

Closer view of the TRC-90 Commo Center |
Photo provided by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

Back gate at lower left, TRC-90 at lower rt, Motor Pool and Front gate upper rt, pool is upper left |
Photo provided by Mike Mainer 1969-70 |

Phu Mu Housegirls |